Released as CD and webrelease
Recorded by Izabela Dłużyk
Track descriptions by Izabela Dłużyk
Fields series design: Jozef Tušan
2017 CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

After her well recognised LOM debut Soundscapes of summer Izabela comes back with a new field recording work, focusing on soundscapes of spring. Various closeup recordings of blackbirds, mistle thrushes, golden orioles and many others are joined by natural ambiences of endangered Bialowieza primeval forest, Siemianowka lake or Biebrza marshes.
“As I am blind since birth, I have always been particularly sensitive to sounds. When I was a child, I became interested in bird voices, which soon led me to discover nature recording. I started with a noisy, hissing tape recorder, but what treasures those recordings seemed to me at that time! Now, sixteen years later, I am still following my passion, but with a fully professional equipment. Through recording the natural world, I try to capture its beauty, its subtle music, its gentle voice. I try to understand its mystery: the mystery of life – this indescribable treasure we share with all the creatures, the mystery of fleeting moments, of sadness and hope brought by changing seasons… It is through observing nature that I have received perhaps the greatest lessons regarding the meaning of life in general and the meaning of my own life. Through my recordings, I hope to share with you some glimpses of wisdom and beauty of the natural world.”
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