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Released as DVD and free webrelease
Cover painting by VooDooMan
2013 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Many thanks to Andrej Chudý, Acidmilk, Norman Teale and Janka Kobolková

This retrospective web-release is a journey through VooDooMan’s extensive discography with a mission to show the various outcomes of his creative endeavors. Although the selection covers the span of many years, there is a recognizable handwriting in the music – the recognizable (but sometimes difficult to read) handwriting of a doctor who is prescribing drugs to himself in very high dosages – voices from the “antidimensional fetishistic platform” processed through effects and echo, harsh noises, naive melodies, alien landscapes, hypnotic ambience… We would gladly recommend you to listen through everything VooDooMan has produced and find your own gems, but be warned that this might be a dangerous activity which could leave you with permanent damage.
Along with the web release, we are publishing a DVD, containing VooDooMan’s complete 9-album discography, radio podcasts and videos.
VooDooMan is an enfant terrible of the Slovakian underground electronic music scene. He has been composing songs since the early 90s and he has self-released 9 albums on his own label Oshipanah Records. He is an experimental auteur of the modern age – crafting his own instruments (creations such as a vacuum cleaner controlled by a sound card, disrupting and glitching his other hand-made instruments) and writing his own music software. He has not been left untouched by the outer world, however; in his oeuvre you might find traces of various inspirations – from the dark ambience of Coil through the post-industrial tensions of Download to the straight-forward songwriting of Travis. He has also broadcast his own pirate radio station and further developed his show “Radio Haluze” while working at Tlis radio.
Reviews and comments
“Výběr čtrnácti skladeb tvoří tradičně znějící ambient, neuchopitelná elektronika i podivuhodné zvukové intervence spletené z telefonních hovorů protkaných přebuzenými praskanci, strašidelné víření vyjících syntezátorů a zpětných vazeb, zpomalené rytmy nebo skoro romantické cinkání. Název Voices from Antidimension mi přijde naprosto případný. Především jde však o podivně eklektickou hudbu, která patrně věrně odráží zvláštní osobnost svého autora. Skladby, které jistě dělí mnoho let, znějí dohromady překvapivě organicky, jakoby byly tesané z jednoho materiálu. VooDooMan tím připomene jiného solitéra s typickým rukopisem, jesenického Der Marebrechsta.”
Tomáš Procházka, Hisvoice (CZ)
“It reminds me of some of the early stripped-down Cabaret Voltaire noise experiments updated with a glitch aesthetic.”
Albert E. Trapezoid